it has been forever long since i have blogged. and i'm seriously about to fall asleep whilst attempting to graciously update this here thing, mainly for my own sake. one thing i absolutely hate is feeling inspired and incredibly sleepy, simultaneously.
i can hear my daddy snoring in the next room. soon enough, i'll be in his similar situation. minus the snoring. i never snore. this is an undeniable truth.
today, i fed my brain. i saw a movie with my family. my mother and i googled over michael buble's swooning melodies. my dad swears that he practices his stage moves in front of a mirror. i wouldn't doubt it. but who cares? he's fantastic. even though i kind of hear he's realistically a tool. bleh. what i know doesn't hurt me.
anyhow. i just feel rather inspired. i can't really pinprick a specific reason, though. i've just read a lot today. i've observed a lot. felt a lot. my mother and i went and looked at homeless puppies up at petsmart today, and i almost bawled. sometimes i can be such a baby. i wanted to take every single one of those furry creatures home with me. even though i don't really live at home anymore. weird. turns out we didn't adopt one, but others were being taken left and right. so the trip at least concluded by emitting a tiny ripple of hope for domesticated mammals everywhere. or maybe just in amarillo. but you catch my drift.
i'm not capitalizing any of my sentences today. for that, i am sorry. my laziness has once again taken hold over my soul. i promise you, it won't always be this way. i doubt very many people read this, anyway. if you do, i salute you. and appreciate you. and will give you a large hug if i happen to bypass you anytime in the near future.
summer has been really good so far. my doubts have been remedied by familiar reunions with old friends, and the introduction of new relationships and opportunities. i feel like this summer will balance itself out, between the old and the new, you know? things won't be identical to the way they used to be, but i will still be able to enjoy old friends and old memories and old places. but God has also opened a few new doors for me and my soul. and for that, i am very thankful. and i plan to be a 'wherever the wind blows' type of spirit in my coming days. which is somewhat comforting. uncertain, yes, but relaxing. i need to relax. things have been kind of tough in my mind, lately. taking a mental break and letting myself go and entering trust will be beneficial, i am sure.
anyway. my lids are growing heavier by the minute. but today has been good. i feel peaceful. i feel love. i love my family. i love my hometown. i love my dog. goodness, do i love my dog.
i concluded my day by reading a few chapters out of the book of psalms. one, psalm 63 in specific, penetrated my heart before i could even finish the entire passage. it read:
'God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You.
I thirst for You,
my body faints for You,
in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water.
So I gaze on you in the sanctuary
to see Your strength and Your glory.
My lips will glorify You,
because Your faithful love is better than life.
So I will praise You as long as I live;
at Your name, I will lift up my hands.
You satisfy me as with RICH food;
my mouth will praise You with JOYFUL lips."
I stopped. I read over a few lines. And something within me resonated a little bit. A small portion of my dry heart felt moistened and live once again. I skimmed over to a friendly sidenote my bible provided, and what I read also put forth a new kind of mentality in this routine cranium of mine. It was a quote by John Piper. It said:
"If you don't feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Your soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great."
Those words simply stopped me in my tracks. NO room left for the great. My heart has so longed after fleeting, insignificant things for as long as I can remember. And because of it, I haven't left my creator ANY room in my heart to move. The spirit is fighting for a place to live and dwell, you know? I don't know about any of you, but I've been in a severe dry spell lately. I haven't felt much connection, or desire, or passion, or really much of anything in my spiritual walk. I feel like I've been knowledgeable and know how to act and how to obey and how to look good in front of people when I need to. But deep down, it's been tough. I know, even still, that I love God and that He loves me. Unreservedly. But sometimes, it's just difficult. And reading these words tonight brought forth in me a tiny sliver of new passion and hope. I feel a little bit alive again. And maybe, just maybe, it is moments like these that I need to learn to savor and store away, into the deep crevices of my soul.
All this said, my brain feels productive. My heart feels like it's beating once again. And here I am, capitalizing properly. Baha. Sorry for the confusion, if any of you are grammar OCD. I'm really not, so I could really care less right about now. But, I digress.
Tonight, I am thankful for the potential of longing. That I have an ability and a calling to thirst after God like I would thirst for water after panting through a desolate, dry, life-shrinking desert. That I should cry out for Him as I long for daily portions of RICH food, and that my lips should ever be joyful at the mention of His name.
Tonight, I am thankful that I am able to praise a God who satisfies.
and as for the picture at the top of my blog. Take a long look at it. You'll probably start salivating or something. Then think to yourself, "I am called to be in WANTING for the Lord JUST AS MUCH as I am drooling over the vision of these luscious, mouth-watering chocolates." And then remember, chocolate is fleeting. It doesn't have much to give but immediate satisfaction and taste. But taste the Lord, and realize that He is forever good, and his favor, wisdom, love, and compassion is ENDLESS. Long for that. I'm working on it with you.
K. Bye guys.
1 comment:
you didn't disappoint in the end.
You started capitalizing right toward the last few paragraphs.
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