They make something-I don't know exactly what-but SOMETHING in me arises.
A flood of emotion, perhaps? A distant dream of something beyond this earth curtain? A sudden impulse to go and gallop across an open field?
Whatever it is, my soul enjoys it; thrives off of this very feeling.
So. Hanyway. It looks like flippin' Narnia outside. I'm just sitting here, awaiting upon Mr. Tumnus to come and offer me daisies at my window.
This weather makes my heart incandescently happy. Even though I'm running on about three hours of sleep due to serious thigh pains that plagued me unceasingly throughout the night. But hey, I'm all for a lazy day! :P
And yes, that just happened. I used an emoticon. In my blog. Aaaawesome.
Well. I randomly flipped open my 'bibble' today only to come across a subtitle in 1 Chronicles entitled "Duties of the Musicians." And quite frankly, if that doesn't catch my eye, I'm truly unsure of what ever would. This will be the primary focus of today's rambling.
What I read really didn't astonish me unto no end, but definitely gave me a sense of affirmation I've greatly needed at this point in my life.
Besides glancing over a monotonous list of unmemorizable names, there was a number of recurring words and themes throughout the Old Testament passage. The first I noticed being, "proclaim God's messages, proclaim God's messages, proclaim God's messages..." as a prioritized responsibility of the musicians. Worship leading is most definitely not a light calling, but a heavy one. It requires stepping up and having the boldness to lead other's hearts into His holy presence.
And I know, know, know that it's probably annoying that I only tend to write/blog/journal/rant on this subject, but SRRRRSLY guys. So important.
It may sound easy, but it's SO not. At least for me.
It's easy to look the part. Being the part...not so easy.
Especially since I KNOW that's where I'm supposed to be. It puts that much more pressure on my already feeble shoulders. And I know that the wall of insignificance desperately needs to be broken to a standpoint.
And I know that I am insignificant.
And that really scares me.
Into apathy.
Into holding myself back.
Into stifling the Spirit within.
But my scattered, fragile heart, mind, and soul know of ONE thing that is completely significant, always. That being the truth of God's message. The truth that completely saves, completely loves, completely redeems. And grasping onto that truth changes everything. I become aware that He is worthy of ALL praise, and I, a mere human, crafted by His very hand, am capable of playing a minor role in bringing about His well deserved glory. I am not of the many. And for that, I should be grateful.
I think I am, more than ever, right now.
What I encompass is a great "responsibility", another recurring word in the chapter. It's up to me to draw upon His strength and fulfill each fiber of potential He has so ardently planted into my being.
The passage goes on to say that "they and their families were all trained in making music before the Lord, and each of them-288 in all-was an accomplished musician." The message puts it as this: "They were well-trained in the sacred music, all of them masters."
In all truth, I don't think we were just BORN masters.
Unfortunately, none of us came gloriously out of the precious womb plucking away flawlessly on our lyres. :)
Oh, no. It takes work. It takes learning from the elite. We are called to perfect our gifts to the very peak of our potential, and what better way than to hear from those who have already done so? It's only logical, really.
That's why my heart has been SO convicted lately. Almost, I'd be wiling to admit, against my own will. Familiarity is such a sacred treasure that most of us wouldn't even think to abandon. But it's also reclaimable. It can fade and bloom in many a place. And my heart hastens at the thought.
I am being called. I'm not exactly sure where to, but my heart can boldly say that there's still a heck of a lot of work to be done.
One last thing I noticed is that the responsibility (that word is REALLY a challenge to type quickly...) was given without any bias whatsoever. In biblical terms, "without regard to whether they were young or old, teacher or student."
Age and knowledge aren't the most vital part in accomplishing His will. He calls the unworthy, unholy, unprepared, but CAPABLE people of His church. And please, please, please note that this is applicable to ANY human being possessing ANY gift given.
Life is much too short, and the world much too small, to let what we've so generously been given lie dormant or wither away in apathy before our very eyes.
Let us press on for His purpose alone, shall we?
OH. and, to be completely farfetched and off topic, I still long terribly for an Australian accent.
I digress.
One day. One day, it will happen.